Barry Pittard Exposed

Exposing the lies, deceit and dishonesty of the most mean-spirited and vindictive ex-devotees of Sathya Sai Baba.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Barry Pittard - Blogged Articles To Date

Barry Pittard - The Anti-Sai Baba Extremist


Major Updates About Barry Pittard
- Barry Pittard - A Grace Disgraced
- Barry Pittard Pictures
- Sai Isa Pittard On MySpace

Barry Pittard, Shanti McIvor, Sai Isa & The BabaSling
- Barry Pittard And The BabaSling

Barry Pittard’s Misrepresentations
- Pamela Stephenson & 'Shrink Rap' Misrepresented
- Susan Boyle - Judgmentalism And Hypocrisy
- Barry Pittard - More Fraudulence Uncovered
- Islamic Terrorists - Terrorism - Jihad - Holy War
- A Lecturer At Sathya Sai Baba's Whitefield College
- Sathya Sai Baba’s Genuine Powers
- Over 100 Sworn Affidavits Against Sai Baba?

Barry Pittard - An Overview
- Barry Pittard - A Bully And Hypocrite Confirmed

Miscellaneous Articles About Barry Pittard
- Pittard's Psychic Friend Conny Larsson
- Will Conny Larsson Keep Barry Pittard Smiling?
- Will Satch Purcell Keep Barry Pittard Smiling?
- BarryPittard: 'We Do Not Slur'
- Free Press Release Sites: Deception - Part 1
- Free Press Release Sites: Deception - Part 2
- Barry Pittard, Nexus & Ducan Roads

Barry Pittard Attacks
- Barry Pittard Attacks Rabbi Zeller
- Barry Pittard Attacks Dr. K.J.S. 'Sunny' Anand
- B Pittard Accuses Attorney William Brelsford Of Incompetence

Ullrich Zimmermann And B. Pittard
- The Ullrich Zimmermann Lie By Barry Pittard
- Another Ullrich Zimmermann Lie By Barry Pittard

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Barry Pittard And The BabaSling

Barry Pittard And The BabaSling

Robert Priddy (a caustic defamer and critic of Sathya Sai Baba) wrote a foaming-at-the-mouth diatribe on his Anti-Baba WordPress blog attacking Joe Moreno for “libel”, “extreme vilifications”, “slurs” and other equally fanatic accusations (because of a fully documented and well referenced article written by Moreno about the history behind the Baba Sling). Needless to say, Robert Priddy’s rebuttal contained no factual, credible or verifiable material and relied wholly on spin, deflection and rhetoric.

Robert Priddy erroneously contended that the BabaSling business is “unrelated” to Sathya Sai Baba despite the fact that Shanti McIvor (the founder of the Baba Sling) was devoted to Sathya Sai Baba when she founded her business, named the Baba Sling after Sathya Sai Baba, i.e., “Baba” and named her son after Sathya Sai Baba (the guru foretold the birth of her son many years prior), i.e., “Sai Isa”. There are no known terms for babies, children, kids, etc., in which the word “Baba” would apply. “Baba” means “father” and Shanti McIvor praised Sathya Sai Baba on her “Baba Slings” website when it first went online.

Robert Priddy said:
“This maliciousness is further evidenced in Moreno’s conscienceless naming of a young child. This boy, out of childlike curiosity, googled his own name, and found viciously aimed barbs at the father whom he loves. This is a man, moreover, who has for years remained unprovoked by Moreno’s constant and extreme vilifications. Indeed, he has all along recommended to other former devotees whom Moreno has attacked not to retaliate or at least if bent on doing so to avoid malice and heated language.”

Far be it for Robert Priddy to point his self-righteous fingers at Moreno and accuse him of being “conscienceless” when Robert Priddy maliciously published (in true tabloid-like style) pictures of the lifeless bodies of men who were shot in the 1993 police shootings incident at Prashanti. The mothers and fathers of those men must now endure the fathomless anguish of seeing their son’s lifeless bodies cheaply broadcast on the internet like entertainment news. Both Barry Pittard and Robert Priddy published those macabre and bloody pictures on their Anti-Sai WordPress blogs despite their psuedo-moral and pseudo-conscientious objections against Moreno’s naming of Sai Isa, whose name was openly stated, published and discussed on Shanti McIvor’s public domain BabaSlings websites (there were a couple of them) for many years! As a matter of fact, Barry Pittard himself publicly divulged that he is the father of Sai Isa and mentioned Sai Isa’s name in relation to the Sai Controversy. On Robert Priddy’s Anti-Baba website, Barry Pittard said (which Pittard originally published on QuickTopic in 2002): “...a neighbour Connie Raadsma of Cooma, inspired by stories told to her by Gerry Gibson (still my closest friend and Godfather to our son Sai Isa) decided to visit Sai Baba...”. Therefore, Sai Isa’s name was made a matter of public domain by Shanti McIvor and Barry Pittard before I wrote my article mentioning him.

It is also important to point out that the very first public picture that Barry Pittard released of himself was on MySpace, prominently showing Sai Isa!

After widely soliciting himself on the internet as an “international coordinator” to bring Sathya Sai Baba to “justice” (even widely advertising his address and phone number on numerous websites), Barry Pittard brought Sai Isa into the foreground of the Sai Controversy by recklessly releasing his very first picture with Sai Isa.

Let us not forget how both Robert Priddy and Barry Pittard wrote several articles ridiculing, mocking and maliciously publicizing the tragic suicide of J. Jagadeesan’s son and the death of his wife! Barry Pittard also wrote an article accusing a high-ranking Sai Devotee of being a homosexual and running a pedophile ring from his apartment in New York! Unsubstantiated accusations resulting in no legal action or investigation from any legal authorities despite complaints allegedly filed by Pittard with New York’s Mayor, Interpol, the FBI and other high-ranking officials. The only people who are “conscienceless” are Barry Pittard, Robert Priddy and other Ex-Devotees. For more examples of “conscienceless” attacks, Click Here.

If Sai Isa googled his father’s name (Google Results For ‘Barry Pittard’), he would find numerous articles written by his father viciously attacking, maligning, defaming and libeling Sathya Sai Baba (the Guru after whom he was named). Apparently, Robert Priddy and Barry Pittard think it is okay for Sai Isa to find defamatory and libelous articles falsely accusing Sathya Sai Baba of homosexuality, serial pedophilia, murder, international racketeering, fraud, human trafficking, etc., and Sai Isa is not supposed to be concerned whatsoever (although his name belongs to the Guru in question)! One could certainly make the argument that both Robert Priddy and Barry Pittard are doing far more harm against Sai Isa by trashing & bashing the Guru he was named after than I allegedly did for simply saying Sai Isa’s name.

Robert Priddy also lied when he claimed that Barry Pittard has “remained unprovoked” by Moreno. Barry Pittard has “remained” so “unprovoked” that, in fact, he linked his Anti-Baba WordPress blog to a website that openly defames, libels and attacks Joe Moreno (apparently approving of those attacks against Moreno). Barry Pittard has also written about a dozen articles that attack Moreno and/or mention his name. How’s that for “unprovoked”? Although Robert Priddy claimed that Barry Pittard recommended that Ex-Devotees not retaliate against Moreno (a dubious claim at best), Ex-Devotees (including Robert Priddy) have ignored Barry Pittard’s alleged plea because they have “retaliated” against Moreno in the most vitriolic of ways (Ref). Therefore, Robert Priddy’s claims are without merit and he is a proxy defender of Barry Pittard, a man who cannot defend himself and a coward who continually refuses to put himself in a position where he is held accountable for his defamations, slurs and libels against Sathya Sai Baba and others.

Robert Priddy said:
“Moreno’s daily method is to slur, vilify, and to try to scare into submission.”

Don’t expect Robert Priddy to divulge how he and Reinier Van Der Sant traced the name and email of a person (who submitted a critical comment on the ExBaba guestbook) to his place of employment. Priddy and Van Der Sandt sent malicious emails to that person’s place of employment in an attempt to get him fired and to embarrass him. Robert Priddy also attacks any and all Sai Devotees (even those not involved in the Sai Controversy) on his Anti-Baba WordPress blog and thinks he is perfectly entitled to do so with impunity. Therefore, Robert Priddy’ daily method is to slur, vilify and scare others into submission with proof! For example, read the article entitled Robert Priddy’s Moon Madness to see how he viciously attacked a Sai Devotee without conducting even basic research. Needless to say, when others (like Moreno) follow in Robert Priddy’s footsteps, he gnashes his teeth, raises a huge wail and shrieks “libel”, “defamation” and “tu quoque”. Tough luck, Mr. Priddles.

Robert Priddy said:
“Although she is not now devoted to Sai Baba, having taken down her photos and stopped singing his bhajans and so forth, she has not cooperated with her former partner’s exposure activities, as has been a fact well-known to Sai Baba devotees known to her. Again, one sees Moreno’s shocking tendency to argue from a narrow range of dates and making the most elemental infractions of logic.”

As a rebuttal to Robert Priddy’s ridiculous claims, Moreno provides This Webpage to wholly refute Robert Priddy’s flimsy and unsubstantiated accusations. Let the reader decide for him/her self as to whether or not Moreno made his argument from a “narrow range of dates and making the most elemental infractions of logic” (click thumbnail to enlarge).

Barry Pittard And The BabaSling
As one can see, the only people who jeopardize Sai Isa’s future are those who defame, ridicule and libel the Guru he was named after. The harder Robert Priddy and Barry Pittard wage their smear, hate and defamation campaigns against Sathya Sai Baba, the harder Sai Isa will suffer in the future when he will be inevitably targeted by teachers, students and others as being named after a Guru his own father falsely accuses of being a “serial pedophile” and “homosexual”. Sad. Very sad.

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Barry Pittard - A Bully And Hypocrite Confirmed

Barry Pittard - A Bully And Hypocrite Confirmed

Barry Pittard (a caustic critic and faceless defamer of Sathya Sai Baba and others) wrote an article about Joe Moreno in which he attempted to sway his readers by appealing to emotion rather than fact. Barry Pittard tries very hard to publicly present himself as a moral, conscientious, ethical and serious individual dedicated to fighting what he alleges are corruption, cover-ups, murder, cult sex abuse, pedophilia, elite pedophile rings and human trafficking rings in the Sathya Sai Organisation (all unsupported accusations that have never been independently confirmed by any credible media and/or legal agencies).

This article will demonstrate (with verifiable references) that Barry Pittard is actually a dishonest, bitter and vindictive propagator of disinformation, defamations and libels against Sathya Sai Baba and others.

The topics to be covered are:

  1. Barry Pittard And Fraudulent Sexual Molestation Claims

  2. Barry Pittard Boasts “We Do Not Slur”

  3. Barry Pittard’s “Turkey Throat” And “Degenerative Disease” Slurs:

  4. Barry Pittard’s Incitement Of Islamic Terrorists Against Sai Devotees

  5. Barry Pittard And His Neurotic “Pedophilia” Claims

Barry Pittard And Fraudulent Sexual Molestation Claims
There are many entirely valid reasons why Barry Pittard should not be believed and should not be trusted in his self-appointed role as a proxy-spokesperson for alleged victims. To begin with, Barry Pittard is a known embellisher and fabricator of sexual molestation claims against Sathya Sai Baba.

Barry Pittard And The Case Of Ullrich Zimmermann:
For example, Barry Pittard alleged that Ullrich Zimmermann (an adherent of the Ramtha sect) was sexually molested by Sathya Sai Baba when he was 14 years old:
Barry Pittard: “The account by the German Ullrich Zimmermann of Sai Baba’s demands to suck his penis when Zimmermann was 14 years old - shared with the US television interviewer Alan Steinfeld in 2000 but release only weeks ago…” (Reference)

In fact, however, Ullrich Zimmermann first visited Sathya Sai Baba when he was 21 years old and an adult. Why did Barry Pittard fabricate this information about Ullrich Zimmermann? After Moreno pointed out this glaring lie, Barry Pittard removed the comment offering no explanations, apologies or clarifications (although he can often be seen demanding explanations, apologies and clarifications from the Sai Organization and others). Barry Pittard also said (which is still available on his Anti-Baba blog):
Barry Pittard: “Ullrich Zimmermann, who very articulately recounts sexual abuse by Sathya Sai Baba including (as in so many other accounts from around the world) oral sex performed on him by his - then! - spiritual master:” (Reference)

Needless to say, Ullrich Zimmermann never (ever) claimed that Sathya Sai Baba performed oral sex on him. A bold-faced and shameless lie! Even though Moreno pointed out this lie in February 2007, Barry Pittard never corrected or retracted it. This from a man who continually boasts about his so-called integrity, sincerity and credibility!

Barry Pittard Supports Robert Priddy’s Sexual Molestation Libel Against Moreno:
Barry Pittard is also a co-writer and co-conspirator with Robert Priddy and they frequently co-author numerous articles against Sathya Sai Baba and Sai Devotees. Although Barry Pittard ceaselessly attempts to pluck at the heartstrings of his readers with pseudo-moralistic and pseudo-compassionate diatribes about the trials and travails of sexual molestation victims, he purposely suppresses the fact that he endorses Robert Priddy’s shameless libel that Moreno was sexually molested by Sathya Sai Baba! Since Barry Pittard explicitly associates himself with Robert Priddy and has never condemned Robert Priddy’s bold-faced libel against Moreno, it can only be concluded that Barry Pittard’s alleged compassion, sincerity, honesty and dharma are laughable and hypocritical farces!

Barry Pittard Alleges “Over A Hundred Sworn Affidavits” Filed With The FBI Against Sathya Sai Baba:
Barry Pittard also claimed “well over a hundred sworn affidavits alleging sexual molestation of young males has been lodged with FBI” (Ref). This absurd, exaggerated and fraudulent claim was made exclusively by Barry Pittard. As a matter of fact, not even Hari Sampath (an Anti-Sai Activist who claimed he was the one who filed complaints with the FBI) ever claimed “well over a hundred sworn affidavits alleging sexual molestation of young males has been lodged with FBI”.

In “Response To Form Interrogatories” (Form Interrogatory No. 12.6, Set One), Alaya Rahm mentioned that a complaint was filed with the FBI in Chicago through Hari Sampath (the Rahm’s did not file the complaint themselves). Therefore, although Alaya Rahm’s lawyer was fully aware of the FBI complaint, he was totally unaware of the alleged “well over a hundred” other affiants who had allegedly filed affidavits with the FBI (which would have all but solidified a case in favor of Alaya Rahm’s allegations). As a matter of fact, not even one deposition was taken on behalf of Alaya Rahm and not even one alleged victim came forward to support or defend Alaya’s allegations against Sathya Sai Baba. So much for all the “affiants” and “affidavits”!

In “Response To Form Interrogatories” (Form Interrogatory No. 6.3, Set One) Alaya Rahm fully admitted that he had been a daily user of illegal street drugs and alcohol from 1995 - 2005. Consequently, during Alaya Rahm's “Divine Downfall” and India Today Anti-Sai interviews and during the filming of the BBC Documentary "Secret Swami" and the “Seduced By Sai Baba” Danish Documentary, Alaya Rahm was under the influence of illegal street drugs and alcohol while relating his alleged sexual encounters with Sathya Sai Baba. This crucial information about Alaya Rahm's alcoholism and drug addiction wholly undermines his credibility and irreparably compromises the integrity of his claims. Needless to say, this information has been purposely suppressed from the general public by Barry Pittard, Anti-Sai Activists, the Rahm Family and the media (Ref).

To Date: Barry Pittard adamantly ignores (and refuses to discuss) Alaya Rahm’s self-disclosed drug addiction and alcoholism claims in official court records. Apparently, Barry Pittard thinks a college drop-out addicted to drugs and alcohol and seeking a money settlement is credible.

Barry Pittard Boasts “We Do Not Slur”
Barry Pittard: “We do not slur. We present evidence and of a seriousness that is respected by our national governments, law enforcement agencies and non-sensationalist responsible media.”

Now let us take a look at an article written by Barry Pittard in which he not only casts slurs against Sathya Sai Baba, he also wrote bitter, vindictive and sensationalistic slop that would surely be scoffed at by “national governments, law enforcement agencies and non-sensationalist responsible media”. For those who do not know, “bugger” is vulgar slang for a “sodomite”.
“THE BUGGY ONE” by Barry Pittard
(Taken from a Worldnet Sai Baba Newsletter, to which Barry Pittard’s added his typical slurs)

Posted: Saturday, June 28, 2003
Author: Barry Pittard
Reference: Email Newsletter from Saidevotees_worldnet Friday, June 27, 2003 2:55 PM

Barry Pittard: Here follows but a small few excerpts from a typically almost endless, effusive email from SSB devotees such as T. N. Girdhar, K. V. Naresh, Ramesh K. Sistla, A. Venkatesh, et alia … reporting in the fashion … he got off the golf cart/car, he got on it, he got off it, he got on it … ad nauseum … ad deus ex machinum …Maybe Buggers is getting into the mood for playing golf with George W. Bush. We might even get a golf war out of it. He cannot of course go jogging with the same, because of those magnetic feet which he tells us are pulling him down constantly.Now that he has taken to riding around in a golf buggy, he well earns his title: Buggyvan …
The children’s restless anticipation could be heard from backstage.

Barry Pittard: Hopefully, for the dear sake of the boys among them, he soon takes up golf … and finds another type of handicap …
Swami came in around 7:30, directly from Sai Ramesh Hall. He was driven in through the men’s side in a golf cart, and the youth group welcomed Him with two songs, Brother Jaga’s I will love you and Sai Hamara.

Barry Pittard: This Jaga refers of course to Jegatheesan, the leader of the SS Org., in Malaysia, who flounces around with upraised hand blessing people as though he has become one with SSB. It is the same Jaga or Jega (the spelling varies, but not the adverse reports concerning him) who I challenge to answer whether various (some now former) SSB devotee parents have tried to put to him, but been curtly disregarded by him, details of their sons’ sexual molestations at the hands of SSB, as have many parents done, again in vain, with other high ranking SSB leaders in different countries of the world.
Swami descended from the cart and walked over to the women’s side slowly. He had to be supported by two men and he walked very slowly.

Barry Pittard: ‘Slowly’ … My God, not the magnetism coming back again?! (Or could it be rheumatism?)
After taking his flower, Swami blessed the boy’s pendant which he was wearing. The boy saw a bright white light flash into his pendant.

Barry Pittard: My elders always advised me to beware of flashers… !!!
If you ask anyone if it is normal for a person who had a recent hip surgery to sit continuously for 1 hour, the reply you will get is that it is impossible.

Barry Pittard: Our Buggervan Bugger has had a lot of practice at sitting. He has been sitting around all his life, letting others do the legwork and taking all the credit for the efforts - both creative and menial - of countless others from all round the world. Having lectured at his Whitefield college for two years, and having lived around him for a number of years, I can tell you that his so-called education system, for one thing, is not the novel entity that devotees in India and around the world mindlessly crack it up to be. It is ultra conservative, resembling nothing to the great educational visionaries of various cultures. So much of the so-called learning is rote learning, and heavily reliant on talk-and-chalk methods of transmission.
Our Swami arrived at the Sai Ramesh Hall this morning exactly at 7.25 am in a little white open car from His residence in Trayee Brindavan.

Barry Pittard: Heaven be praised - strangely out of all his flashy limousines and into a humble ‘little white open car.’ Dear Mahatma Gandhi! Dear Saint Francis! Et alia. You may not yet lived in vain… Perhaps the Sai Avatar (Sanskrit for embodiment of flashy cars?) is beginning to become a little more humble.
Swami got off from His car and started walking in the Sai Ramesh Hall

Barry Pittard: Whatever happened to those magnetic feet - of which, recently, he has so graphically told us?
- initially on the ladies side and then on the center aisle.

Barry Pittard: Ladies - great Heavens forbid. Ladies! Not those! He actually went to the ladies side…?
He Himself threw some apples from the balcony to some boys.

Barry Pittard: He himself is the grub in the apples that go to ’some boys.’
‘Students! If I have come out of a critically dangerous condition, it is for your sake. Do not have any kind of worry. I will come down soon and bestow upon you, joy and bliss.’

Barry Pittard: The fact that so many are so chronically dependent on the Bugger One convinces us of a cosmic reality: that the bliss of which he and they speak cannot be the bliss of the Atma (essential Self beyond the reach of the mind and its instruments, the five senses), which has no dependency states.
He thrust His hand through the grillwork of the window and waved at them. It was indeed a very memorable day for one and all.

Barry Pittard: Made memorable indeed by the fact that his magnetic hand, of which he has also told the world, did not somehow get magnetised to the grillwork of the window …
‘This eye has not seen the world for last 9 years’ (Swami indicated His left eye).

Barry Pittard: So watch out - he’s not only got his eye on you, but two eyes! He might even begin to see the bigwig Sai devotee hounds of litigation loosing themselves upon former devotees: eminent supposedly Sai leaders, such as Sri T. Ramanathan (head of SS Org., Australia), Thorbjorn Meyer (Central Co-ordinator for Europe and Co-Co-ordinator for Russia), and Jorgen Trygved, (Denmark). So often he has heavily frowned those eyes, or that nine-year eye, on litigation.

On his attempt to enter the Disneyland, Buggers surrenders to the FBI.

As one can see, Barry Pittard attempts to portray himself one way in public but acts another way in private. The fact of the matter is that Barry Pittard does slur. He also lies and distorts the truth about Sathya Sai Baba and he does so shamelessly.

Barry Pittard’s “Turkey Throat” And “Degenerative Disease” Slurs:
Some more slurs from Barry Pittard, direct from his Anti-Baba blog:

Barry Pittard: His hair, which he has said would remain intact, except to go white, thins badly. His ‘turkey throat’ sways from side to side. He wears the mask face of a sufferer from e.g., Parkinson’s disease. He has sprawling falls (I witnessed one of them in early 1998), sometimes in full view of thousands. His devotees say that these are wonderfully blessed occasions, but one may query why, if consistency means anything, Puttaparthi does not mass produce photos of such divine pratfalls for devotees to put up on their altars in homes and temples everywhere.

He dithers and potters. He walks in repeated circles, mumbling incoherently. Film footage and photos show his students and other aides, to a point of anxiety never hitherto witnessed, at unusually close quarters ready to assist him when he stumbles or feebly issues some request. He can’t even cut his 81st birthday cake without assistance from a student. (Incidentally, regarding Sai Baba’s true age, we must add four years if we are to go by British colonial records, rather than the birthdate that he and countless of his hagiographers have long given out.)

When out of his golf buggy or a chair, he walks stiffly but says it is only because his robe prevents himself from striding out, forgetting that he once did walk confidently. One learns that he has had five hip operations, not the two or three that his officials lily-gildingly gave out. His words sometimes slur badly. He sits down and lengthily weeps. He utters inanities. For example, he says his feet stick to the ground because he is uniquely endowed with a special form of magnetism, which, however, he again strangely says, everybody else has in them. He says that this magetism is attracting the whole world to him. But is it? In his February 16, 2007 so-called 'divine discourse', he says, "I intend to undertake a world tour, shortly." But will he?

Barry Pittard: The three-times world heavy-weight boxing champion, Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr) proclaimed that he was “the greatest”. But, of course, he turned out to be right! and skeptics had to eat their words. Sai Baba has long proclaimed that he is the greatest “avatar” (manifestation of God in human form), but his empire looks as shakey as his own legs, and as his sagging turkey throat, which wobbles from side to side. A golf buggy transports him now, though he promised to be physically non-ageing after his 60th birthday.

Sai Baba crumbles at 81 - or even older, if British colonial records inform us well, and we may need to add another 4 years, to the birthdate he gives, so often repeated by his hagiographers. Sometimes he falls over (which, along with thousands of others, I saw him do in early 1998). At other times, he mutters indecipherably. His mask-like face suggests serious medical symptoms. His hair, which he has said would remain intact, except to go white, thins badly. He has had a number of hip operations. Film footage and photos show his students and other aides, to a point of anxiety never hitherto witnessed, at extremely close quarters ready to assist him when he stumbles or feebly issues some request. He could not even cut his ’81st’ birthday cake without assistance from a student.

Aged Individuals Can Maintain Sex Lives

None of this should seem to say that, to this day, he is incapable of taking his pleasures with boys and young men, however. With gross failure to check with the gerontological literature on the sexual channels of expression still open to the aged, defenders proclaim that his very age would repudiate the notion that he would be capable of sexual escapades.

Barry Pittard: Not only does he have a sagging face that has more than a trace of some degenerative disease - giving him a mask-like expression, but for the last few years he has developed what is called ‘Turkey’s Throat’, aptly named.

Brian Steel: Since the ‘discrepancies’ appear to be increasing nowadays, is there any possibility that Sai Baba is suffering from a degenerative ageing disease which might have an effect on his thinking and speaking?’

Barry Pittard: Likewise, in October 2002, a Swedish psychologist and former devotee, Åsa Samsioe, noting physical signs of Sai Baba’s ageing like his development of a ’turkey throat’ and also the “low intellectual level” of his discourses, remarked:

For some mysterious reason, Barry Pittard adamantly refuses to publish a recent picture of himself although he claims he is an “International Coordinator” to bring Sathya Sai Baba to “justice” (although all of the alleged victims he proxy-advocates for have been unwilling to cooperate with him and refused his offer of free “world class legal resources”). Let us see if Barry Pittard looks any better than Sathya Sai Baba does (according to one email source, his face is heavily and deeply wrinkled, his head is mostly bald and he is physically unattractive). Barry Pittard also collects a disability pension (the details of which are fanatically guarded secrets) and shows all the signs of old age. Despite this fact, Barry Pittard hypocritically points out faults in a much younger-looking Sai Baba! Barry Pittard sounds more intent on revenge & ridicule than he does on “justice”.

Barry Pittard’s Incitement Of Islamic Terrorists Against Sai Devotees
In a thoroughly disgusting and hypocritical gesture of pseudo-sympathy, Barry Pittard (a caustic critic of Sathya Sai Baba) had the audacity to write a blogged article in which he sent “much love” to India and to the victims of Mumbai’s terrorism attacks.

Barry Pittard is the same person who trashed and bashed all of India as being universally “corrupt” and that hundreds of millions of Hindus (including other religions that believe in miracles) are “backward intellectually” “ignorant peasants” who believe in scriptures that are “sheer delusion” and “impossible concocted stories of the ‘Superman’ kind” (Ref).

Barry Pittard is the same person who wrote an article in 2002 inciting Islamic Terrorists to attack Jews and Foreigners at Sathya Sai Baba's ashrams in Puttaparthi and Whitefield.

After promoting so much hate against India, India's culture, India's gurus, India's scriptures and Indians themselves, Barry Pittard blithely sends “much love” to India.

Let us take a look at Barry Pittard's public letter and his actual words inciting Islamic Terrorists to attack Jews and Foreigners at Puttaparthi and/or Whitefield:
Date: 11-25-02
From: Barry Pittard, Australia.

If I were a fundamentalist ‘Islamic’ terrorist I would be sharply eyeing off Puttaparthi/Whitefield, and would consider a Christmas to be a good time to blow up or otherwise kill foreigners there, especially American, British, German, French, Israeli, Australian, not to mention citizens of any other countries who support the US.

It would be one way to reply to their religious leader’s blasphemous assertion that he is fully God incarnate - i.e., Allah.

Since sathya sai baba has a large number of Jewish followers from around the world, it may be instructive (and even save lives) to note the dates of Chanukah for the next five years:

CHANUKAH Eight Days Festival of Lights
Sat 30 Nov Sat 8 Dec
Sat 20 Dec Sat 27 Dec
Wed 8 Dec Wed 15 Dec
Mon 26 Dec Mon 2 Jan
Sat 16 Dec Sat 23 Dec

Lodged deeply in my fundamentalist cultural psyche would be a notion of Islam against Christianity, the Faithful against the infidel Crusaders. Islam against the Jews. And any other Infidel who gives them aid and comfort.

I would especially relish a crack at George W. Bush’s fellow Christians and neo-Christians among those misguided enough to visit the supposed Father of Jesus Christ. There would be plenty of US, UK, German, French, Israel, Canada, New Zealand, Australian, etc., body bags or bits of DNA to send home to the blasphemers’ countries!

Of course, sathya sai baba ashram security is tighter than a drum on peak Hindu occasions, when the President, Prime Minister and other VVIP’s go visit him - with all their retinue of top security aides and sheer firepower. However, the considerable deterent of heavily beefed up security arrangements (some of the personnel experienced in years of bloody tussle with terrorists and other criminals of many kinds, in and beyond India) would be much diminished at Christmas time.

The fundamentalist ‘Allah’ be praised - Christmas time. Westerner time! A time to strike?

In the general time scale of the current Middle Eastern terrorist development, one may wonder whether such forces would yet have had time to be manoeuvred into such a fairly well-secured place as Puttaparthi/Whitefield. However, non-Puttaparthi/Whitefield oriented operations previously planned can be revamped into a new configuration, which prioritorizes for holy destruction this city of blasphemy against Allah and His Prophet (Peace be upon him)...

Come November 2008, the terrorists who attacked Jews and Foreigners in Mumbai acted in the exact manner that Barry Pittard hoped would occur at Puttaparthi / Whitefield.

Who, in his right mind, would:

  • Fantasize about being an Islamic Terrorist?

  • Fantasize about murdering and slaughtering innocent Christians and Jews?

  • Fantasize about the resulting mutilation, blood and gore?

  • Fantasize that these acts of terrorism would occur at Puttaparthi?

  • Fantasize that terrorists would reprioritize their attacks and instead attack Westerners at Puttaparthi?

  • Incite terrorists by claiming that Sathya Sai Baba is blaspheming Islam?

  • Have the gall and audacity to publicly publish these aberrant fantasies under the pretext of warning others about possible terrorism?

In addition to Barry Pittard’s terrorism letter, he viciously attacked the well known and respected Rabbi David Zeller, mysteriously had his Anti-Sai-Baba articles published on the Adeliade Institute website (which is considered Anti-Semitic by the Israel Ministry of Home Affairs) and published Anti-Sai-Baba articles in the Nexus Magazine, which has been rightly accused of having Anti-Semitic ties (Ref).

Barry Pittard is also a strong advocate and solicitor of Sanjay Dadlani, who posted on the QuickTopic Forum under the name “kick his head in” and said that someone should murder Sathya Sai Baba. Sanjay Dadlani is the same person who rejoiced when a Sai Baba temple was bombed by a terrorist. Sanjay even expressed sympathy for the terrorist who bombed the temple. Of Sanjay Dadlani, Barry Pittard said, “May those, who are so much older, learn from his example!”

Why does it appear that Barry Pittard has friends who sympathize with terrorists or have Anti-Semitic ties?

Combine all this information with Barry Pittard’s comments about Islamic Terrorists, “DNA bits” (i.e., blood, crushed bone, viscera, bodily tissues and bodily secretions) and Jews and the end result is very disturbing, macabre and wholly unconscionable.

These are the type of extremists and fanatic defamers who are attempting to smear and malign Sathya Sai Baba, all the while boasting that they are sincere, honest, non-attacking and moral!

Barry Pittard And His Neurotic “Pedophilia” Claims:
Pedophilia Claim #1:
Barry Pittard wrote an article about Honig (a high-profile Sai Devotee) and made the following accusations:

  • Alleged Honig was a homosexual.

  • Publicly accused Honig of running a pedophile ring from his apartment (despite Honig’s open-door policy to any Sai Devotee needing a place to stay when he is not in the USA and despite the fact that his first-class apartment building —which overlooks Central Park— has 24 hour surveillance with a security guard at the front door!).

  • Publicly alleged that Honig was running a people-trafficking ring, shipping poor Negros from New York’s ghettos to India for sexual purposes.

  • Published vicious hearsay rumors from an anonymous informant against Honig.

  • Publicly boasted that he notified the New York Mayor’s Office, which allegedly issued a case number (that is not indicative of guilt) against Honig.

  • Publicly boasted that he notified Interpol against Honig.

  • Publicly boasted that he informed the FBI at the U.S. Embassy in Canberra, Australia about Honig.

  • Publicly boasted that he sent his pedophile ring allegations to the U.S. State Department, Washington and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, Australia against Honig.

Of course, Honig has never been charged with (or formally informed of) any crime subsequent to Pittard’s complaints since March 2007. Barry Pittard’s alleged sensitivities to muckraking, nastiness and stalking (on and off the internet) are huge pseudo-moralistic and hypocritical pretenses. Barry Pittard engages in the very same reprehensible behavior he loves to point out in others.

Pedophilia Claim #2:
Barry Pittard, Robert Priddy and Conny Larsson have ridiculously asserted (with no proof whatsoever) that Sathya Sai Baba is a “pedophile” who runs elite pedophile and human trafficking rings by shipping Negros to India from New York’s ghettos for sexual purposes (Ref). Despite these absurd and outlandish allegations, Sathya Sai Baba and the Sai Organization have never (ever) been charged or implicated with any pedophile rings or people trafficking rings (either directly, indirectly or otherwise). Nor have any reputable media agencies or independent journalists been able to confirm even one single instance of alleged pedophilia and/or human trafficking related to Sathya Sai Baba or the Sai Organisation.

Pedophilia Claim #3:
Ex-Devotees have openly boasted:

  1. That they were responsible for an indirect warning that appeared on the USA Consular Information Travel Sheet For India webpage (which did not mention Sathya Sai Baba by name).

  2. That Barry Pittard was responsible for an indirect warning that appeared on the Australian Consular Information Travel Sheet For India webpage (which made wide-ranging statements about cults in India).

  3. Failed to get Britain to issue a similar warning and encouraged Ex-Devotees to e-bomb the embassy with complaints.

See For Yourself.

As of July 17th 2007, the US State Department Bureau Of Consular Affairs REMOVED all indirect references to Sathya Sai Baba from their official website (Reference).

Barry Pittard (an Australian ex-devotee and main spokesperson for the Anti-Sai Movement) wholly distorted the former indirect warning and claimed it confirmed “pedophile accusations” against Sathya Sai Baba (Ref), a gutter, total and malicious untruth.

These types of bold-faced lies and dishonest behaviors should raise serious questions about the integrity and credibility of Barry Pittard.

Pedophilia Claims: In Conclusion
Barry Pittard’s fanatic, extremist and unsupported claims of “elite pedophile ring” and “human trafficking” related to Sathya Sai Baba and the Sai Organization prove that he is a low-caliber and gutter conspiracy theorist whose claims have not been verified by any credible or legal sources despite dubious and highly secretive claims of “proof” and “evidence” (available exclusively to “bona fide” investigators). It is significant to note that:

  • Sathya Sai Baba has never (ever) been convicted of any crime.

  • Sathya Sai Baba has never (ever) been charged with any crime.

  • Sathya Sai Baba has never (ever) had a single complaint lodged against him by any alleged victim, first-hand, in India. As a matter of fact, not even one alleged victim has even tried to file a basic police complaint or court case against Sathya Sai Baba in India (the only place where courts would have jurisdiction over Baba as an individual defendant).

  • No reputable media agencies, independent journalists or legal agencies have ever been able to confirm even one suspected incident of “elite pedophile ring” and/or “human trafficking” related to Sathya Sai Baba or the Sai Organisation.

  • The proxy allegations of sexual molestation and other crimes made by Barry Pittard (a non-victim who never witnessed or endured any type of alleged crime himself by Sai Baba) are therefore second-hand stories based on hearsay, gossip and internet rumors.

If it looks like a conspiracy theory, if it sounds like a conspiracy theory, if it’s unsupported like a conspiracy theory, it’s a conspiracy theory!

Barry Pittard gives one the distinct impression that his paranoia, daily-obsessiveness and ever-increasing frustrations are driving his smear, gutter, hate & conspiracy campaigns against Sathya Sai Baba.

Sathya Sai Baba remains (to this day) innocent of all internet charges and has never (ever) been implicated with any crime. This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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Susan Boyle - Judgmentalism And Hypocrisy

Susan Boyle - Judgmentalism And Hypocrisy

Susan Boyle. Unexpected Divine Chanteuse. Sweet 47
Barry Pittard (a vocal critic and defamer of Sathya Sai Baba and others) wrote an aimless blogged article entitled “Susan Boyle. Unexpected Divine Chanteuse. Sweet 47”, which one would have expected to be about the singing sensation Susan Boyle.

Rather, Barry Pittard attempted to draw unsuspecting readers to his defamatory Anti-Baba blog by using the name and fame of Susan Boyle to his advantage. Barry Pittard rambled in various directions interspersing information about Susan Boyle with random attacks against his former Guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba (whom he once hailed as God Incarnate and Lord of the Universe) and Joe Moreno (a Pro-Sai Activist).

From Susan Boyle To Judgmentalism To Joe Moreno To Sai Baba:
In Barry Pittard’s article entitled “Susan Boyle. Unexpected Divine Chanteuse. Sweet 47”, he said:
Barry Pittard: “Judgementalism on the grounds of a person’s body shape, place of origin, social status, and so on, is, course, one of humanity’s most destructive tendencies. Is there a profound lesson to be learnt by every one of us?”

Far be it for Barry Pittard to preach about the “destructive tendencies” of judgmentalism when he engages in malicious “judgmentalism” against his former guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba (based on age, body shape, disabilities and so on). Some relevant quotes from an article entitled Barry Pittard - Pseudo-Compassionate And Pseudo-Moral Pathos End In Laughable Bathos:
Barry Pittard: His ‘turkey throat’ sways from side to side. He wears the mask face of a sufferer from e.g., Parkinson’s disease.

Barry Pittard: Sai Baba has long proclaimed that he is the greatest “avatar” (manifestation of God in human form), but his empire looks as shakey as his own legs, and as his sagging turkey throat, which wobbles from side to side.

Barry Pittard: At other times, he mutters indecipherably. His mask-like face suggests serious medical symptoms. His hair, which he has said would remain intact, except to go white, thins badly. He has had a number of hip operations.

Barry Pittard: Not only does he have a sagging face that has more than a trace of some degenerative disease - giving him a mask-like expression, but for the last few years he has developed what is called ‘Turkey’s Throat’, aptly named.

The big question is: WHY does Barry Pittard engage in judgmental attacks against Sathya Sai Baba (based on age, body shape, disabilities and so on) when he blathers about the evils of “judgmentalism” on his Anti-Baba blog? Apparently, Barry Pittard is one of those self-serving hypocrites and pseudo-moralistic preachers whose precept is bereft of practice.

Instead of focusing on all the good that Sathya Sai Baba has done and all the good that Sathya Sai Baba has inspired, Barry Pittard rather focus on the guru’s “turkey throat”! How’s that for a real eye-opener on “judgmentalism”? Considering Barry Pittard’s obscene fascination with throats, one cannot help to wonder if he thinks Susan Boyle has a “turkey throat” as well? Sadly, Susan Boyle’s double-chin has been a judgmental focus for the media as well. A few examples: 01 - 02 - 03.

From Susan Boyle To Judgmentalism To The Elephant Man:
About Barry Pittard, Moreno said:
Gerald Moreno: Let us see if Barry Pittard looks any better than Sathya Sai Baba does (according to one email source, his face is heavily and deeply wrinkled, his head is mostly bald and he is physically unattractive). Barry Pittard also collects a disability pension (the details of which are fanatically guarded secrets) and shows all the signs of old age. Despite this fact, Barry Pittard hypocritically points out faults in a much younger-looking Sai Baba! Barry Pittard sounds more intent on revenge & ridicule than he does on “justice”.

In response, Barry Pittard replied (in part):
Barry Pittard: But can Moreno, at all, be referring to the fine creature I see before me in my never-cracking mirror each morning? Might he have got me mixed up with the Elephant Man?

Although Barry Pittard’s Anti-Sai associates continually demand that Moreno publicly publish his picture on his websites (even though they already possess his picture and spam it on their websites and blogs), Barry Pittard is not man enough to come forward and publish his picture on his Anti-Sai blog (or anywhere else for that matter). Does this have to do with the fact that by showing his face the email description sent to Moreno will be confirmed? Or does it have to do with the fact that by showing his face women who may have been sexually molested by him under the guise of “spiritual healings” will come forward and identify him as the culprit? If Barry Pittard is such a “fine creature”, he should come forward with a recent picture of himself and vindicate his egotistical boastings about his appearance.

Moreno never compared Barry Pittard to the Elephant Man, nor did Moreno say anything about Pittard’s appearance (as Moreno does not know what Pittard looks like). Moreno simply referenced a description of Barry Pittard sent to him via email. Barry Pittard responded by jumping to the worst conspiratorial view and posted a picture of someone he believes embodies complete hideousness and ugliness, i.e., Joseph Merrick (aka The Elephant Man). How’s that for “judgmentalism”? What more can one do but laugh out loud at Barry Pittard and his lamentable self-righteous posturing?

Click Here to view the voluminous and “judgmental” defamations made against Moreno by various Ex-Devotees that Barry Pittard professes friendship and/or association with.

When Moreno was libeled by Barry Pittard’s co-writer and co-conspirator Robert Priddy as being Sexually Molested By Sathya Sai Baba, Barry Pittard sat there in silence (apparently admiring in the mirror the “fine creature” he thinks he is).

Barry Pittard openly falsified a free press release article in which he falsely claimed that the US State Department named Sathya Sai Baba “Re Pedophile Accusations”, a bold-faced and gutter untruth. See For Yourself.

Click Here to see the types of pictures that Ex-Devotees typically post against Sathya Sai Baba, about which Barry Pittard has never once complained. As a matter of fact, Barry Pittard published a falsified picture of Sathya Sai Baba holding hands with Idi Amin. This is the type of sleaze and slime that Barry Pittard purposely drowns in over-zealous diatribes about morality, ethics, compassion and non-judgmentalism!

Of course, Susan Boyle has absolutely nothing to do with Joe Moreno, Sathya Sai Baba or the Elephant Man. Barry Pittard is a self-anointed moralist and self-appointed proxy spokesperson for alleged victims (all of whom refused to cooperate with him and all of whom refused his offer of free “world class legal resources”) who is apparently attempting to exploit the popularity of Susan Boyle in exchange for some cheap publicity for his defamatory Anti-Baba blog.

Putting aside the faceless defamer Barry Pittard, let us take a look at Susan Boyle, someone notable with real talent, worthy of attention and who brings genuine inspiration & upliftment:

Relevant Information About Susan Boyle
Susan Boyle (born 1961) is a Scottish amateur singer and church volunteer who came to public attention on 11 April 2009, when she appeared as a contestant on the third series of Britain's Got Talent. Boyle found fame when she sang "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Misérables in the competition's first round.

Before she sang, both the audience and the judges appeared to express scepticism based on her unpolished appearance, and apparent awkwardness. In contrast, her vocal performance was so well received that she has been dubbed "The Woman Who Shut Up Simon Cowell". She received a standing ovation from the live audience, garnering yes-votes from Cowell and Amanda Holden, and the "biggest yes I have ever given to anybody" from Piers Morgan. The audition was recorded in January 2009 at the Clyde Auditorium in Glasgow, Scotland.

The juxtaposition of the reception to her voice with the audience's first impression of her triggered global interest. Articles about her appeared in newspapers all over the world, while the numbers who watched videos of her audition set an online record. By 20 April 2009, viral videos of her audition, subsequent interviews of her, and her 1999 rendition of "Cry Me a River" had been viewed over 100 million times on the Internet. Cowell is reported to be setting up a contract with Boyle with his Syco Music company label, a subsidiary of Sony Music. (Reference)

Susan Boyle In The Media
Susan Boyle Stuns 'Britain's Got Talent' Audience and Even Simon Cowell
Wednesday April 15, 2009
Categories: Entertainment, Pop Culture, Television, Trends

The evening and morning news shows--as well as 5 million YouTube viewers--are abuzz over a lesson we all need to learn. And the first live audience was enthusiastically willing to do so, as their judgmental laughter and eye-rolling turned into spontaneous and enthusiastic applause and outright cheers!

Susan Boyle is a 47-year-old charity worker from West Lothian, Scotland. It's a place known for great golf and pleasant locals who go about their business relatively quietly. It's a long way from Hollywood.

As she was interviewed by Simon Cowell on "Britain's Got Talent," everything about her stage presence--from her dress to her hairstyle to her choice to avoid make-up to her age--seemed to say this was going to be one of those Gong moments for the show.

This CNN clip of her performance shows some wonderful before and after pictures of the audience members. Before the song, it was obvious they didn't expect much. Nor did Simon. Miss Boyle said her goal was to become a professional singer. "Why hasn't it worked out so far," he asked. Her confident, poised and cheerful response should have given us an idea of what was next.

"I've never been given the chance before, here's hoping it'll change," she beamed.


An audience ready to laugh and ridicule became synchronized in their amazement, applause, cheers, and instant respect for the gifted woman singing before them.

Piers Morgan gave her "the biggest 'yes' of his career!" It's possible she'll go a long way in the competition. And I hope she does, because she is a living example of one of things I absolutely despise about our media-driven culture. The idea that women need to be young, thin, tabloid-friendly, and discovered by the time they're 25 is an unhealthy as it is foundationless. There are so many gifted people who hold no hope of ever being discovered for their talents. They go undiscovered except for their close friends and perhaps some church attendees. And it shouldn't be that way. And we know it.

That is why I was inspired not only by her song, but by the crowd's reaction. Everyone loved it! They loved her! They were touched by her raw talent, her beautiful voice, and became instant fans. The part about each of us that is quick to judge is also quick to respond to excellence and beauty. We should be quicker to look for the beauty in people, and I'm not sure our media-driven culture trains us to do that.

I will continue to hope that shows like this provide a stage for the many, many Miss Boyle's in Britain, America and around the world. Everybody wins when someone like her steps forward! (Reference)

Susan Boyle And Judgmentalism
As Susan Boyle lives her dream, what have we learned?
Mary Schmich
April 19, 2009

What if Susan Boyle couldn't sing?

If Susan Boyle couldn't sing, she'd have vanished into TV history, remembered, if at all, as just another self-deluded weirdo.

If Susan Boyle couldn't sing, Simon Cowell wouldn't have stopped smirking; the spectators would have kept on snickering; and America's newest heroine would have gone back to her Scottish village to resume the life of an unmarried, unemployed, ungainly, middle-age woman who lives alone with a cat.

In other words, without what we define as talent, Susan Boyle would be an object of mockery and pity.

"What has Susan Boyle taught us about the way we judge people based on appearance?" I heard some radio host intone on Friday.

My answer: Not much.

Because if Susan Boyle couldn't sing, she'd still be the kind of person some people avoid sitting next to on the bus.

The happy news, as the world learned last week, is that Susan Boyle can sing. Her heart-rending rendition of "I Dreamed A Dream" on "Britain's Got Talent" turned "the Scottish spinster," as various reports put it, into "a singing sensation," "a media sensation" and a "YouTube sensation."

"Indeed," said one newspaper story, "a full range of emotion—first humor, then shock, followed by warm appreciation and perhaps a dollop of self-reproof for anyone who dares to judge others principally by their appearance—can be extracted from Boyle's seven-minute clip."

Oh, please. If Susan Boyle couldn't sing, there would be precious little self-reproof going on.

The story of Susan Boyle is undeniably appealing. Listening to her sing, I got a lump in my throat too:

You go, girl. You show all those people who for your whole life have bullied you and doubted you. Show them you can do something better than they thought you could, better than they can.

But after the rooting's done, what's the lesson? That we shouldn't make fun of odd people because they might have talent?

In all the gushing over Boyle's performance, there remains an unpleasant undercurrent. Well, yes, she's 47, way past prime time. But she can sing!

Oh, and those bushy eyebrows, that wiry hair, that stocky figure, the double chin, and her manner, it's so strange. But she can sing!

And, OK, as one writer put it, she's "perpetually single," which is tragic, my friends, but at least the old gal can belt out a tune.

The message? Almost everything about her is abnormal and unattractive, but let's overlook it because she can sing.

I know a woman who reminds me unnervingly of Susan Boyle. This woman is also in her mid-40s, unmarried, unemployed, overweight, bushy-browed, wiry-haired, eccentric. If you said frumpy, I would resent it but I would understand.

Like Susan Boyle, she is the youngest of a large clan of kids and, also like Boyle, she has struggled her whole life with a learning disability that has taught her more than anyone should know about being mocked.

Like Boyle (whose mother died a few years ago), she has lived her adult life with her mother and a cat.

This woman is my sister. And unlike Boyle, my sister has no dazzling talent. She can't sing or dance. She paints and draws in ways that move me but elude the multitudes.

She talks sometimes about how people treat her.

"It's nightmarish," she'll say, "the way people look at me, as if I'm not like them."

She's not like a lot of them. But there are legions of people like her, people who, like Susan Boyle, live and look different from what we call the norm. My sister confesses that sometimes those people make her uncomfortable too.

"I guess we're all that way sometimes, aren't we?" she said not long ago. "We get uncomfortable around people who seem strange."

We do. I do. Almost all of us do. But the lesson I'd hope we take from Susan Boyle is that people deserve respect, however strange they are, even if they don't have talent. (Reference)

- YouTube - Susan Boyle - Britains Got Talent 2009 Episode 1
- YouTube Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 (With Lyrics)
- YouTube Britains Got Talent 2009 - Susan Boyle (HQ, WS)
- Susan Boyle Fan Site
- Susan Boyle In The News

- Pictures Of Barry Pittard

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